You Can Save A Life. Carry Narcan. Ask us about picking up your FREE box of Narcan so you are prepared to SAVE A LIFE.
Narcan Usage

Common Signs of Overdose

  • Small, constricted “pinpoint pupils” 

  • Fall asleep or losing consciousness

  • Slow, weak or no breathing 

  • Choking or gurgling sounds 

  • Limp body 

  • Cold, clammy and/or discolored skin 

What should you do if you think someone is overdosing?

Don’t think that someone is just high because they could be in a life or death situation. Treat the situation like an overdose and do the following immediately: 

  1. Call 911

  2. Administer the can of NARCAN® (pick up a can for free from any of our health department locations to keep with you)
  3. Try to keep the person awake and breathing 

  4. Lay the person on their side to prevent choking
  5. Stay with them until emergency workers arrive 

Are Your Drugs Deadly?

Drug checking strips can help you understand if fentanyl or xylazine is in a substance before you use it. Fentanyl is an extremely potent opioid that may be added to drugs like heroin, methamphetamine, cocaine and pills. Fentanyl increases the risk of overdose. Xylazine is a tranquilizer that is increasingly added to products sold as heroin. It can complicate an overdose and can cause skin wounds that may be difficult to heal.

Fentanyl test strips (XTS) and xylazine test strips (FTS) can detect the presence of these substances, but they aren’t perfect. False negative and false positive results are both possible – you can still overdose even when the strip is negative. Follow these instructions closely to get the most accurate results.