72 On You

Prepare Your Family and Home for an Emergency

If an emergency happens, you should be prepared to take care of you and your family for at least 72 hours. You could be waiting several days before emergency assistance can arrive in your area after a disaster. Even if they do arrive sooner, remember they’ll be focused on the higher risk populations such as hospitals, the elderly and schools/children.

So, are you prepared? If not, we want to help you build a kit for your home and know how to take care of yourself in those first few days. We are not here to spark fear, just an awareness in what you may experience. We just want to ensure you are prepared if a natural disaster or some sort of other emergency does arise.

You will want to make sure you have enough food, water and supplies for at least 3 full days for each person in your household.

First 72 on YOU

Items to have in your 72 Hour Emergency Kit, as recommended by FEMA:

If you would like a printable version of the above, you can print this out to take with you to the store.

You can also purchase kits from the Red Cross to easily help you prepare. Check out their store here.  

Also don’t forget to check this kit at least once a year. You’ll want to replace any expired items and add additional items as your family needs change.

Remember, not all emergencies happen while you’re at home. So, make sure you have at least some supplies ready with you in your car or at work. Here are a few suggestions for what to keep in your car.

Have questions about how to build your kit or about emergency procedures?